“Tom Cat” and “Negative Image” Live Now

My horror drabbles feature in “Nom Nom: Hallowe’en Dark Drabbles” from Black Hare Press

Originally appearing in my drabble collection, One Hundred, “Tom Cat” and “Negative Image” were written during a daily writing challenge earlier this year.

“Tom Cat” explores the daily life of a man and his adoptive stray cat, though he seems rather keen on tin can traps…

“Negative Image” is a second-person minute of creepiness. Can you resist checking over your shoulder?

I’m really pleased that the good folks at Black Hare Press chose these drabbles to be reprinted in their monster anthology! It’s available for sale now!

Night photography is a gamble at the best of times, and most of the results from yesterday’s experiments turned out… so-so.

But one stops you in your tracks. Zoom in, and a man stands in negative image, like a light shines from within him. He’s smiling. 

Get your copy of Nom Nom: Hallowe’en Dark Drabbles now!


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